214th Regiment N.Y. State Militia, 178
Academies, 67
Accidents, 126
Acclimating Process, 40
Agriculture, 398
Akron, 63
Alabama Center, 165
Albany County, 130 405 439
Albany Medical College, 274
Albion Academy, 66 185
Allegany County, 113 120
Amenia, 385
Amsterdam, 11
Annual Meetings, 481
Aqueduct, 127 414
Army of the Potomac, 226 274
Articles, 14-15 43 47 49 53 73 84 103 106 126 158 169 230 266 293 329 363 371 433
Ashery, 46 209 219 268 275 340 371 408 422
Atlantic Ocean, 5
Auburn, 114-115 122 147 184 370 432
Auburn Theological Seminary, 115
Avon, 102 303 317 353-354
Axes, 2 91 136 170 284 436
Azariah Loveland, 77
Baptists, 246 286 294 418
Barnegat, 88 428
Barre Center, 77-78 99 107 133-134 157 160 184-185
Basswood, 19 81 86 170 201 261 272 309 406
Basswood Logs, 28 182 239 375 400 433 460
Beaver, 22-23
Bedding, 33 359 442
Beech, 19 201 270 275-276 326 417
Bees, 180 273 304 325
Big Sodus Bay, 460
Black Salts, 37 46 148 171 234 284 314 327 371 422 450 493
Blacksmithing, 121
Blanchard and Chamberlain, 459
Blankets, 33 170 393 442
Blue Pill, 40-41
Boxwood Cemetery, 73
Breadstuffs, 39
Bridges, 18 54 57 75 90 363
Brine Springs, 353 413 426
Brockport, 127 158 322
Buck, 164 253 385 440-441 475
Buffalo, 49 51 60 93-94 125 141 152 220 242 338 353 367 394 422 462 477
Bullock’s Mills, 455
Burns, 152
Burying Grounds, 71 91
Canal Boats, 128 180 195 346
Canal Commissioners, 25 332 343
Canal Revenue, 138
Canal Trade, 195
Canal Village, 345
Canals, 13 113 128 136-137 500
Carlton, 4 9 18 21 69-70 90 201 203-210 212-215 229-230 258 272 286 351 353 379 460 469-470
Carpenters, 80 341
Catechism, 77
Cattle, 15 19 38 41 48 83-85 87-88 90 102 104 211 220 231 249 289 306 333-334 370 379 450
Cemeteries, 71
Cemetery Associations, 71
Chaff, 38 429
Chamberlain & Simpson, 455
Champlain Canal, 51 128
Chestnuts, 180
Chimneys, 29 179 182
Chinking, 273
Church Building, 362
Church of Murray, 343
Churches, 141 245 268 411 457 479
Civil War (see Great Rebellion)
Clarence Hollow, 125
Clarendon, 24 110 113 157 197 217-220 223-228 272 299 313 321 325-326 328-330 337 343 357 375 414
Clarendon Street, 197
Clarendon Village, 226
Clarkson, 41 93 110 227 242 274 299 301 304 311 321 327 330 354 376-377
Clarkson Corners, 110 377
Clarkson Village, 227
Clearing Land, 37 43 46 153 162 276 312-313 422 437
Clearings, 24 497
Clinton’s Erie Canal, 271
Clothing, 49 103 156 162 180 266 359 388-389 441-442 460-461
Cold Season, 149 220 240 265-266 289 298 326 358 364 387 435 454 494
Columbia County, 151 156 225 248 290
Columbus, vii 309
Committee on Railroads, 98
Common Education, 65
Community Institutions, 195
Congregational Church, 70 99 133 178 343
Congregational Society, 77
Connecticut River, 491
Consolidated Securities, 5-6
Cooking Utensils, 451
County Seat, 194 234 271 277
Court House, 66 113 173
Court of Common Pleas, 140 186 188 227 262 292 332-333 382-383 416 459 466
Courthouse, 79 193 195-196 235 275 481
Cranberries, 22 180
Crofoot, 249
Cub Bear, 455
Cultivation, 24 37 323 484 496
Dartmouth College, 473
Daw’s Corners, 468
Declaration of Independence, 6
Dedham, 253
Deeds, 15 17 43 53 368 465-466 496
Deer, 19 100 107 110 135 159 179 243-245 273 304 308 341 397 440-441
Deer Hunting, 441
Delaware County, 151
Dense Forests, 100
Dense Rock, 51
Deruyter N.Y., 409
Detroit, vii 173 175 473
Digging, 13 37 97 352 441
Distillery, 219 237 275 312-314 408 416
Dog, 21 85 87 92 257 359 366 440-441
Domestic Mill, 40
Drag, 37
Dry Goods, 78 115 129 138 187 219 235 268 274 294 349-350 355
Dry Goods Stores, 268
Dunham’s Gristmill, 470
Dutch Investors, 11
Eagle Harbor, 47 60 93 140 156 247 260 284 293 295 443
Eagle Hotel, 414
Early Settlers
East Kendall, 298
Eastern States, 52-53
Elm, 19 28 86 201 261 309 311 450 460
Elm Bark, 28 86 309 311 450 460
Endurance, 468 486
Erie Canal
Erie County, 63 125
Exposure, 153
Fair Haven, 241 263
Falls on Oak Orchard Creek, 425
Fanny Ferguson, 322
Farwell’s Mills, 157 218-220 222 224 227 272 299 326
Felix Augur, 298 313
Felled Timber, 37 324
Fencing, 202 246
Ferguson’s Corners, 172
Fever and Ague, 40 89 91 107 157 167-168 238 292 304 306 316 386 397
Fevers, 21 380 492
Fir Tree, 73
Fireplaces, 179
First Birth, 207 298 322 356 428
First Brick House, 423
First Congregational Church, 99 133
First Congregational Society, 77
First Crops, 37
First Framed House, 402 422
First Inn, 299 322
First Marriage, 81 207 213 234 298 322 454
First Presbyterian Society of Albion, 77
First School, 78 101 133 187 207 218 226 232 295 299 312 317 322 343 355 403 422 429 438 454 456 464 470
First Store, 78 207 218 234 294 299 322 346 349 415 423 429 454 459
First Tavern, 78 234 295 346 349 422 429 454 466
First Warehouse, 80 197 340 346 349 402 423
Fish, 4 19-20 23 125 202 234 240 278 284 304 362 397 461
Fishing, 3-4 54
Five Corners, 78 83-85 89-90
Flagging Stone, 414
Flails, 38
Flock, 237 502
Fort Erie, 119 152 188 242 264 329 382 462 465 480
Fort George, 411 464
Fort Niagara, 18 202 233 380
Fox, 19 22 24 326-327 399
Framed Houses, 53
Freeman Clark, 195
French Mills, 249
Frisbie & Pierpont, 218
Gaines Academy, 67 70 189 274 291
Gaines Basin, 86 121 235 250 255 275
Gaines Corners, 83 88 135 352
Gaines Village, 85 162 230 255 268 278 281
Galway, 116 156 247
Game Animals, 4
Gardeau, xii 121
Gardner and Irons, 455
Genesee Conference, 374
Genesee Country, 12 52 83 102 105 157 223 225 236 302 307 400 432 490
Genesee County, 17 24-25 109 119 173 175 186 227-228 262 271 323-324 362 370 383 393 404 407 446 455 459 470 478 480
Genesee Flats, 372
Genesee River, xii 6 12 18 20 57 76 110 121 210-212 234 237 282 284 377 396 422 445 460
Geneseo, xii
Geneva, 102 406 468
Gibraltar, 146
Goodrich & Standart, 195
Gooseberries, 180
Gospel Lot, 423
Granaries, 497
Gravelly Ridge, 57
Great Britain, 3 93 146 174 188 232 252 264 282 382 397 462 464 468 490
Great Rebellion, 214 226 337 462
Greenbush, 464-465
Greene County, 125 131 153 214 347 385
Greenman Settlement, 455
Gristmill, 205 208-209 218 247 299 337 379 385 426 455 470
Grocery Stores, 195 350
Gwynn Street, 73
Hamburg, 149
Hand Fan, 38 429
Handford’s Landing, 110
Hardships, 39 43-46 69 93 105 126 142 160 210 213 226 244 264 308 328 358 370 372 380 394 410 482 484 486
Hardtack, 265
Hartford, 100 182 220 252 263
Hartland, 450 471
Harvard University, 281
Health, 24 98 117 136 169 262-263 327 367 369 379-380 395 408 430
Hedgehog, 19 21-22 159 461
Hemlock, 19 28 33 92 170 201 241 268 328 339 368 433
Hemlock Splints, 28
Herbs, 444
Herds, 502
Hickory, 19
Hillside Cemetery, 73
Holland Land Company
Holland Purchase
Hospitality, 28 44 186 433
Hudson River, 128 133 226
Hulberton, 323 331 345 347-348
Hunter’s Lodges, 269
Hunting, 3-4 19 54 112 211 271 304 308 310 440-441
Hurons, vii
Illinois, 119 302 318 391 472-473
Indian Reservations, 12
Indian Trail, 237 492 502
Inheritance, 137 501
Installments, 14 190
Ireland, 256
Irondequoit, 109 460-461
Iroquois, vii-ix
Ithaca, 101-102
Johnson’s Creek, 4 18 20 87-88 202 204 208-209 212 378-379 385 455 460 468
Joiners, 80 341
Kendall, 161 163 297-304 309 313 315-318 321-322 350 410
Knitting, 214
Knowlesville, 53 187 211 351 374 400 402-404 407-408 411 421-424
Kuckville, 204 206 208-209 470
L. & N. Martin, 459
Lake Champlain, 51 431
Lake Erie, 51-52 128 133 422
Lake Ontario, ix 4 9 18-19 47 63 202 213-214 309 352 385 460 462 472 490
Lakes, vii 23 499
Land Articles, 14-15
Land Improvement, 318
Land Office, 12-13 16-17 43 103 182 282 298 353
Land Speculation, 496
Land Titles, 217
Latch String, 28 494
Lewiston Road, 203 426 449
Libraries, 137 226 300
Livestock, 30
Livingston County, xii 76 113 212 338
Lockport, 60 63 120 125-126 131 138 185 202-203 370 379 402 414 419 422 460 473
Log Cabins, 21 69 180 286 377 492
Log Causeways, 58 179
Log Schoolhouse, 65 108 361
Londonderry, 144 256 391
Lower Canada, 498
Lumber, 48 53-54 75 80 180 196 202 205 250 261 346 364 427 461
Lundy’s Lane, 164 465
Lyndonville, 246 386 455-460 469 472
Madison County, 169 186 198
Mail Facilities, 41
Main Street, 79-80 82 122 193-194 197 402 422
Manheim, 264 439 450
Manilla, 203-204
Maple, 19 180 201 221 245 251 372 432 444
Marbletown, 129 188
Marked Trees, 40 45 59 94 363 470 494 502
Market Prices, 53
Marriage, 81 174 207 213 234 247 286 298 322 454
Massachusetts Charter, 5
Mechanics, 195 226 323 350 458 492
Medina and Darien Railroad Company, 63
Medina and Ontario Railroad Company, 63
Medina Herald, 416
Medina Village, 266
Merchants, 46-47 55 138 195 234-235 272 330 340 347 416 492
Methodist Church, 419
Methodist Meetinghouse, 345
Middlebury Academy, 113
Middlebury College, 118
Mohawk, xi-xii 264 267 490
Mohawk River, 264
Mohawk Valley, xi
Monroe County, 121 223 225 227 303 321 356
Montgomery County, 109 270 439 455
Montreal Canada, vii 234 284
Moor & Hughes, 454
Morris Reserve, 7 9
Mortar, 29 40 311
Mount Albion Cemetery, 72 135 174 176
Mount Morris, xii
Mountainous Terrain, 51
Mountains, 300 305 499
Murray Corners, 304 311
Nails, 29 153 181 248 251 450 461 494
Native Americans (see Indians)
Navigation, 120 128 271 342 415 462
New England Settlers, 38
New York Central Railroad, 63 292
New York Harbor, 51-52
Newspaper, 41 66 118 234 275 301 329 416 460 464
Niagara County, 3 76 114 202 213 369 394 471
Niagara Falls, 63 112 139 185 379 385
Niagara Falls Railroad, 63 185
Niagara Frontier, 328 464
Niagara River, viii 57 185 246 464
Northampton, 321
Northton, 453
Oak Orchard, 4 198 270-272 278-280 424-426
Oak Orchard Creek
Oak Orchard Harbor, 58 203 270
Oak Orchard Road
Ohio, 125 141 226 292 328 478 497-498
Oiled Paper, 28 87
Oliver Benton, 77 150
Oliver Booth, 71 251 271 276 280 283 352
Onondaga County, 99 113 228 327 342 353 393 396 408
Ontario County, 140-141 164 169 172 183 213 317 334 336 365 405 407 409 432 434
Orleans County Pioneer Association, iii 109 112-113 134 325 404 481 483
Orleans Insurance Company, 154
Otsego County, 121 460
Otter Creek, 22 94 232 234 247 285 293-294 377
Owego, 101
Ox, 40 54 83 112 160 169 180 290 310 360 376 387-388 396 432 435 437 441 444 455 493
Pacific Ocean, 5
Palmyra, 118-119 122 156 197 237 247 326 352 381 443-444 447 473
Paris Hill, 394
Passes, 63 152 331
Pathless Forest, 65
Pennsylvania, 9 12 122 125 206 211-212 215 268 378 410 449 475-476 490
Perry and Luce, 322
Pestle, 40 205 311
Phelps, iv 5-6 115 141 151 405 434-435
Phelps and Gorham Purchase, iv
Philadelphia, 12 15 370 476
Philetus Swift, 58
Photograph Albums, 481
Plattsburgh, 249 260
Plows, 162 398 500
Plymouth Rock, 489
Ponds, 22 196
Porter’s Corners, 78 169-170
Post Office, 41 49-50 96 150 198 288 295 301 323 340 346-347 379 385 416 423 429 456 459
Postmaster General, 297
Potash, 37 46 78 110 182 234 282 284 422 493
Potatoes, 37 104 165-167 202 240 245 306 309-310 364 379 437 469-470
Pre-Emption Line, 6
Presbyterian Church, 99-100 115-116 119 131-132 155 183 185 219 343 361 403 411 418 423 457
Presbytery of Rochester, 343 423
Preserved Greenman, 454-455
Printing Press, 66 234-235 416
Privations, 39 43 93 105 126 160 328 380 394 397 410 482 484
Produce Trade, 350
Prosperity, 43 53 128 169 186 189 382 393
Providence, 128 151 155 223 287 308 437 442 497 501
Public Highways, 57 365 501
Public Library Association, 300
Public Meeting, 350 459
Pulteney Estate, 188 217 297-298 327
Quakers, 463
Quebec, vii ix
Quinine, 40-41
Raccoon, 19 21-22 95 159 238 245 304 308 368 461
Rafters, 28 360
Railroads, 63 98 136-137 491 499
Ranges, 11-12 25 472
Raspberry, 180 389
Rattlesnake, 20-22 273
Re-Survey, 58 395
Reading, 129 392 472-473
Red Oaks, 201
Religious Societies, 17
Revolutionary War, x xii 5 11 97 121 211 226 228 264 313 315 365 489
Ridge Pole, 28
Ridge Road
Ridgeway Corners, 50 213 267 354 370 375 383 386 389-390 393-394 396 409 471
Rivers, xii 20 100 460 498
Rochester Theological Seminary, 139
Rocky Mountains, 499
Rural Burial Places, 71
Sabbath, 111 170
Salmon, 4 20 87 417
Salt Port, 343
Salt Springs, 60 341
Salt Works, 60 76-77 353-354 356 413-414 426
Salt Works Road, 60 77 426
Sand Bar, 203
Sandy Creek, 23 111 195 218 227 272 299 322-323 326 334 337 340 343 346 352
Sandy Creek Village, 111
Saratoga County, 116 177 226 247 288 442 451-452
Sawed Boards, 28
Sawmill, 22 48 75 80 195-197 202 205-206 209 218 227 232 247 285 294 299 325 337 341 352 383 413-414 426 455 461 492
School Districts, 15 65 329 355 479
Schoolhouses, 15 65 69 245 424
Scio, 346-347
Scotland, 151 256
Second Adventists, 249
Sections, 12 61
Seeds, 35 86 364 434
Seminary Lot, 193
Seneca County, 152-153 411 446
Seneca Falls, 123
Sheep, 19 97 220 237 280
Shelby Center, 2 50 58 152 175 391 413-414 426 428-429 446 448-449 477
Ship Timber, 202
Sickle, 38 180 197 438
Six Nations, ix-x 1 3 6 31
Skaneateles, 132 358
Slashing, 37 377
Sleds, 54 158 363-364 432 493
Snakes, 21
Snowfall, 23
Social Equality, 45
Social Gatherings, 150 372
South Barre, 121 158 160 172
Sovereignty, 5
Speculators, 7 14 53 496
Splints, 28
Split Logs, 38 85
Springs, 55 60 261 341 353 413-414 426
Squirrel, 19 239 245
St. Lawrence., 490
Starvation, 289
State Library at Albany, 226
State of Connecticut, 217 297-298 313 331 339 341 488
State of New York, 121 130 140 176 415 490
State Road, 61
State Senate, 98 123
State Street, 61 194
Stillwater, 230 284 288 379 469
Stone Quarry, 395
Strawberry, 180
Streams, 4 18-19 22 54 57-58 75 305 363 397
Strength, ii 23 40 45 90 120 257 367 492 494 501
Stumps, 38 46 181 436
Sumatra, 145
Sun, 21 40 101 210
Surrogate of Genesee County, 480
Surveying, 12-13 57 188 292 402 425 428 470-471 475
Surveyors, 110
Susquehanna River, xii
Sweden, 109 217 223 321
Sweden Centre, 109
Sycamore, 19
Teachers, 189 246
Temperance, 209 237 246 275 329 402 439 474
the American Standard, 118
the Orleans Advocate, 118
the Orleans Advocate and Anti-Masonic Telegraph, 118
the Orleans American, 118
the Orleans County Bank, 154
the Orleans County National Bank, 154-155
the Triangle, 7 9 57 309
Threshing, 38 398
Tonawanda, 18 23-26 94 103 125 239 271 281 287 379 427
Tonawanda Creek, 25-26 125
Tonawanda Indians, 94
Tonawanda Swamp, 18 23-25 103 239 271 281 287 379
Tools, 42 47-48 103 125 284 438 451 494-495
Toronto, 208 312 462
Towing Path, 195
Town Meeting, 81 88 133 150 214 219 259 322 352 357 368
Townships, 11-12
Trade and Business, 66 218 235 324
Trails, 502
Transit Line, 9 12 86 161 240 369 490
Transportation, 54
Treaty, ix 4 6 12 485
Treaty of Big Tree, 12
Treaty with the Six Nations, 6
Triangle Tract, 7 309
Triangular Harrow, 37
Tulip Tree, 19
Turner’s History, iv 1 230 449
Twenty-Fourth Michigan Volunteers, 274
U. S. Army, 229
Union Army, 214 337 370
Union College, 98 122 129
Union School House, 459
Utica, 51 309 356
Variety Stores, 195
Venison, 87 95 244 310-311 461
Vermont Mirror, 118
Vienna, 356
Village Lots, 172 194 235 330 340 346
Village of Gaines, 71 81 173 231 235 247 252-253 275-276 283 286
Village of Lyndonville, 458
Village of Medina, 73 413 477
Village Trustees, 72
Wagon Road, 58
War of 1812
Warehouses, 195
Washington, xii 151 252 315 475 488
Washington County, 252
Washington’s Headquarters, 151
Water Power, 196 415-416 426 449 477
Water Resources, 426
Waterport, 60 384
Weather, 31 38 41 65 145 166 238 250 359
Wedding the Waters, 52
Wells, 173 395 433-434
West Barre, 109
West Bloomfield, 102
West Carlton, 209 215 272
West Gaines, 147 443
West Shelby, 446
Western Boundary, 5 353
Western New York, i vii ix 1 6 27 128-129 147-148 267 315 353 366 369 404 475-477 481 490-491
Wetlands, 19 23 25
Wheatland, 225
Whitewood Trees, 201
Whitfield Rathbun, 230
Wild Animal, 19 159 389 469
Wolf, 19 100 110-113 159 179 211 222 237-238 257 261 279 308 352 397 407 443 461 502
Wooden Hinges, 28
Wooden Latch, 28
Writing, 14 106 128 137 206 226
Wyoming, 17 113 371 374
Yale College, 137
Yates, 67 187 208 210 258 269 351 386 453-457 459-460 462 466 468-474
Yates Center, 454-456 459 466 473
Ye Olden Time, 482
York and Oxford Counties, 464